Keiko Maekawa



Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

Before graduating the city college of NY, I lived in NY from 2001 to 2006. at that time, a friend brought me to a bead shop in NY, and it was the beginning of everything.

NY was originally a city with many artists. It was like everyone was doing some kind of artist activity to express themselves, but I had no goal, so I ran away from japan, and I was always looking for "something." To express myself, and painting, photography, dancing, whatever I could think of, just for the time being.

Making jewelry was one of them.

My friends complimented me very much when I was wearing what I made, and I made it again when I was happy, gave it to them as a gift, ... and I was very satisfied with my days. Then, after graduating from university, I found a job and was busy every day, so I was gradually getting away from making accessories.

A few years later, a friend of mine who gave me an accessory in NY said, "kei's accessories are still my favorite. you're wearing it." and I gave it to him years ago! I was very glad.

My friend's words pushed me.

For the first time i really thought, "if my friends say so, there may be other people in the world who like what i make. ... make and sell accessories that you want to make.". and I am who i am now. the brand name "happy cake jewels" was created by designer keiko's nickname "cake" from the NY era to make you happy.

The City College Of NYを卒業するまで、2001年〜2006年までNYに住んでいました。その時にNYで友人に連れられて入ったビーズ屋さんがすべての始まりでした。
作ったものを身につけていると、友人達にとても褒められ、嬉しくなってまたつくり、プレゼントしたり… それで大満足の日々。
数年後、以前NYでアクセサリーをプレゼントした友達に「けいちゃんのアクセサリー、今でもお気に入り。よくつけているよ」と言われ、もう何年も前にあげたのに! ととっても嬉しく思いました。

そうして、今の私がいます。ブランド名 HAPPY CAKE JEWELSはデザイナー KeikoのNY時代のニックネームCakeがつくるあなたをHAPPYにするジュエリー、と言う意味で名付けました。

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

Designer designed, made the prototype, and based on the prototype, the craftsmen in japan cast, plated with 18 carat gold and rhodium one by one, and the designer herself made each one.


Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

I wanted people to see my work in NY, where people from various cultural backgrounds gather.


Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

The new modern girl earring is inspired by the fashion of the 1920s. I hope New Yorkers who like fun things will like it.

1920年代のファッションをインスピレーションにデザインした、新作のModern Girl Earringがイチオシです。面白いものが好きなニューヨーカーにお気に召していただけたら嬉しいです。

Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

I am very honored to have a chance to see happy cake jewels in my favorite NY. I hope it will be one of your favorite jewelry.

大好きなNYでHAPPY CAKE JEWELSをご覧いただける機会に恵まれてとても光栄に思います。手にとってくださった方のお気に入りのジュエリーのひとつになれたら嬉しいです。




Hitomi Hashimoto