
Michiko Nishino



Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

Upon getting married, I left my job as a graphic designer and took a break from the design world. In 2018, a friend introduced me to making accessories with shrink plastic, and that marked the beginning of my journey. Combining my graphic design skills with my natural dexterity, I immersed myself in creating accessories where I could express my passions and talents. Before I knew it, I had crafted 370 designs. The brand, "nul," symbolizes "0." Within the diverse designs of nul., I aim to help people discover new facets of themselves by selecting accessories with unconventional tastes and encouraging them to explore the concept of "starting anew from zero."

結婚を機にグラフィックデザイナーを辞め、しばらくデザインの世界から遠ざかっていましたが、2018年、友達に教えてもらった事がきっかけでプラバンアクセサリーを作ったのが始まりでした。得意のグラフィックに加え、もともと手先が器用だったこともあり、好きなこと・得意なことが生かせるアクセサリー作りに没頭し、気づけば370のデザインが誕生しました。ブランドの意味。”nul ”は”0”を表します。nul.のバリエーション豊富なデザインのなかからいつもは選ばないテイストのアクセサリーをセレクトしたりして新しい自分の魅力に気づいてほしい、新しい自分を発見してほしいという想いを込めて”0(=nul.)から始まる、新しい私”をコンセプトに設定しました。

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

I create designs on the computer, but I consider hand-drawn sketches crucial in my creative process. I start by brainstorming keywords associated with the upcoming season. After inputting these keywords into my mind, I gather inspiration from a plethora of visual books, videos, and my internal idea stock. This step is indispensable for the creation of my pieces. Subsequently, I translate the sketches from my notebook to the computer, add color to the design, and then apply it to shrink plastic. Carefully cutting the design with scissors, I bake it in a toaster oven, and finally, coat each part with resin.


Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

I wanted to see how my creations would be perceived in the cutting-edge world of art in New York. Additionally, I desired to witness my pieces integrating into the lives of people from different cultures, stepping out of Japan and exploring how my creations would become a part of their daily lives.


Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

Introducing the "BOTANICAL FRAME." I created this piece using watercolor paintings featuring botanical motifs that I personally crafted. The image aims to evoke a sense of depth and a world within a forest, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the intricate details of nature. It has become my recent favorite, as it successfully captures the envisioned atmosphere from the initial sketch to the final completion. I would be delighted if you could take a moment to appreciate it.

BOTANICAL FRAMEです。水彩画で私自身が描いたボタニカルなモチーフを使用し製作しました。草木を分け入って森の中に入っていくような空間の奥行きや世界観を感じるイメージになったと思います。最初のスケッチから完成までイメージ通りに出来た最近一番のお気に入りなので是非見ていただきたいと思ったからです。

Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

Hello to everyone in New York! It's a pleasure to meet you. I've sent my crafted accessories across the seas, hoping that they embark on a journey to someone's life, enriching their experiences. The story of my creations began with a single line on a blank notebook. I would be delighted if you could sense a bit of that narrative through my pieces.



