Blood & Honey

Haruka Ozone



Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

Motivated by a genuine passion for craftsmanship, nurtured through my artistic education, I endeavored to seamlessly weave my creative instincts into a fulfilling career. The impetus behind establishing the brand was rooted in a desire to create jewelry that transcends mere adornment – pieces seamlessly worn throughout the day, from morning to night, even during moments of solitude like showers and sleep, fostering a profound connection with the wearer's innermost being.

The brand's evocative name, "Blood and Honey," conjures a rich and intricate imagery, linking to the inherent complexities of human nature, specifically tapping into themes of cruelty and moral ambiguity. The choice of this name is a contemplation on the idea that individuals, possessing qualities that may draw criticism from society, often conceal their true selves in conformity with societal norms. This conformity stifles diversity and obstructs the path to novel creations and innovations.

In striving to create jewelry that empowers and affirms the inherent brilliance of individuals, irrespective of societal judgments, the brand has adopted this distinctive name.




Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

The designer begins the creative process by sketching ideas on paper, allowing the imagination to flourish. Using silver wire or wax as the foundational materials, the designer manually assembles and constructs the design, creating prototypes during the sample production phase. Subsequently, the designer collaborates with a casting specialist in the jewelry district of Okachimachi, commissioning them for mold creation and overall product manufacturing.


Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

I wanted to challenge myself in the world's largest and most vibrant market. The memories of visiting this city during my university days are still fresh, and the prospect of launching my own brand in this aspirational city feels like a dream come true.


Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

My standout recommendation is the pearl necklace. It's the brand's inaugural piece featuring freshwater pearls, creating a striking contrast with the sharp impression of silver barbed wire. The juxtaposition of the prickly silver and the pure white pearls is a key highlight, effectively capturing the brand's sought-after sweet and spicy aesthetic. We believe it perfectly embodies the brand's vision for a harmonious blend of contrasting elements.

イチオシはpearl necklaceです。ブランド初となる淡水パールを使った商品で、シルバーでできた有刺鉄線の刺々しい印象と純白なパールの対比がポイントです。ブランドが目指す甘辛ミックスなイメージを上手く表現できた商品だと思います。

Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

This product is meticulously crafted by a Japanese designer with a commitment to local industries. Enjoy the unique and darkly romantic offerings that are characteristic of Blood & Honey. If you find this intriguing, please consider following us on Instagram. We also offer international shipping, so feel free to reach out with any inquiries. Your interest and support are greatly appreciated.

日本人のデザイナーが地場産業にこだわって作った商品です。ダークロマンティックなBlood & Honeyならではの商品を楽しんでいただけますと幸いです。興味を持っていただけましたら、ぜひインスタグラムをフォローしてください。海外発送も対応しておりますのでお気軽にお問い合わせください。




Deewhy Moon Jewelry