Fil et bijou

Haruna Kurafuji



Q1. What Made You Decide To Establish Your Own Brand? What Is Meaning Of Brand Name?

Embroidery threads given to me by my grandmother were the impetus for establishing my brand. Fascinated by the colorful threads that filled a Japanese chest of drawers, I wanted to give form to them and started making accessories.

Fil et bijou" means "thread and beads" in French. Using silver threads and glass beads, which are also used for kimono embroidery, I create beautiful and shiny accessories.

きっかけは、祖母から譲り受けた刺繍糸。 和箪笥いっぱいに入った色とりどりの糸に魅了され、それらを何か形にしたいと思い制作を始めました。

「Fil et bijou」はフランス語で「糸とビーズ」の意。 着物の刺繍にも用いられる銀糸とガラスビーズを使って、美しく輝くアクセサリーを制作しています。

Q2. Please Describe Your Production Process.

Each piece is carefully knitted by hand using the original "Misumi Knitting®" technique. It is a delicate handwork through time and effort, starting from threading a very thin needle, scooping beads one by one, and then weaving them. Each of the seven knitters knits their own work at their own locations, and then I finish it off with the final form. These silver thread and glass bead accessories are knitted using a unique technique called "Misumi Knitting®".

オリジナル技法「みすみ編み®」を用いて、一つ一つ手作業で丁寧に編み込んでいます。 極細い針に糸を通すところから始まり、ビーズを一粒ずつすくっては編む、という気の遠くなるような手仕事です。 7人の編み手たちとそれぞれの場所で編んだものを、私が最終形に仕上げています。

Q3. What Made You Interested In NY Market?

We have been receiving purchases and inquiries from overseas customers and were considering expanding our business overseas, and we happened to have the opportunity to participate in this event. We are looking forward to seeing what kind of response we will receive in New York, which is rich in diversity.

海外のお客様からの購入や問い合わせが続いていたこともあり、海外での展開を検討していたところ、今回ご縁をいただきました。 多様性に富んだニューヨークで、どのような反応をいただけるのか楽しみです。

Q4.Which One Is Your Favorite Piece? And Why?

"Silver thread ribbon pierced and clip-on earrings"

These are popular items at Fil et bijou that can be tied, untied, and twisted. The silver thread makes it easy to blend in with the skin and match with any styles of fashion, even though the design has a strong presence.


結ぶ・解く・ねじる、といった動きが出せる、Fil et bijouの人気アイテムです。 存在感のあるデザインも、銀糸によって肌に馴染みやすく、どんなファッションにも合わせやすくなっています。

Q5. Lastly, Please Share Some Comments To Customers At The ARCADE JAPAN.
最後に、The ARCADE JAPANのお客様に一言お願いします。

At first glance, it looks like metal, but it is actually very light and strong. Please feel the charm of the delicate, precise, and beautiful handwork unique to Japan. We hope many of you will have a chance to take a look our products in your hands.

一見金属のような見た目ですが、実はとても軽くて丈夫。 日本ならではの繊細かつ緻密で美しい手仕事の魅力をぜひ感じてください。 たくさんの方にお手に取ってご覧いただけますと嬉しいです。




FUA accessory